Apr 28, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Maya made a big transition recently. First she had the crib, then last year moved to a toddler bed, and now........a full size, brand new big girl bed. It is funny how her new bed just completely swallows her. She takes full advantage of all the new extra room that she has in her bed. Maya is kind of a wild sleeper. Another lovely attribute that she got from her mother. So often when we peek in on her before we go to bed, she is usually laying across the bed, not on the pillows, or she has already kicked the covers off.

Another bonus of the new bed is that her baby dolls and bear can now comfortably sleep beside her.

Apr 18, 2008

Word of the Day

GAPPY: (adj.) something that Maya doesnt like, or consideres yucky. Examples: "That show was very gappy." "I dont want to eat all my broccoli, its gappy" "Boys are gappy."

Apr 1, 2008

The Artist

A work of art! This is Maya's drawing of a face. She just recently started drawing faces, this was done in the bathtub. With special bathtub markers of course. Maya likes to do all sorts of artsy things. She loves her play-doh, and she likes to color, paint and draw, in fact she likes to draw on any and everything. Thankfully, she doesn't draw on the walls or floors, just paper and coloring books. .......and bathtubs.

A Hunting She Will Go

Maya has really got the hang of Easter Egg hunting. She had two on Easter Sunday and went to another one the week before. Whenever she would find an egg, she already knows to shake it to see if there is some sort of gift inside. She only would open the "noisy" eggs. Clever girl. Although, two eggs had a dollar in them and they did not make a noise when shook. So she had to go back and open each egg to get her prize.

Maya's Nana and Grandpa came to visit from North Carolina on Easter weekend. Maya got to show off her new, fancy Easter dress. She also got a big surpise.......details later.