Jan 25, 2008

Two Princesses

When you find out that you are going to become parents, you always wonder what the baby will look like, who she will act like, etc... I was always hoping that Maya would turn out looking like her mother, obviously because I like the way her mother looks so why not.
Well not only did she turn out to look like her mother, she is basically a carbon copy of her. Claire commented on this while we were watching one of Maya's school programs. She said it was like looking at herself up on the stage. There is no doubt they are related. They are both very girly. Maya loves to play dress up, and be a princess. Her mom has princess pants. She has been walking around in her mother's shoes for some time now, she loves sparkly things and putting on "girl perfume". I have been informed by Maya that my "boy perfume" doesn't smell as good.
Maya couldn't have a better role model though. Her teachers at her school say Maya is very sweet and always likes to help out with the other kids. So she is going to be a caring, loving person who always likes to help people, and make others happy.

Just like her Mom.

Jan 15, 2008

Fun With Markers

Markers are bright, shiny and come in a variety of colors. There are so many really neat things you can do with a marker in your hand. You can draw, write your name, or scribble some cool designs. The scribbling should be done on paper and not on clothes or walls, especially not on the walls. Writing on the walls or the furniture will cause parents to get upset. Paper gets boring though, it just lays there, blankly and it is too simple. I need a different canvas to challenge my young, artistic mind. How about skin! Not just any skin, my skin. Look at these arms, what wonderful things I can do to them with my bright new markers.

Thankfully, crayola makes washable markers. Maya the tattooed lady was a sight to behold. She actually did some very nice work. Her shirt didn't even have a mark on them. When she came running in to our room and said "look", and held out her arms, I couldn't help but laugh. So off we marched to the kitchen sink, a little soap and water and her temporary tattoos were gone. Thanks again to the washable markers people.

Jan 2, 2008

2007 , A Look Back

2007 was a very big year for Maya. Many great experiences as Maya continued to grow. So lets look back at some highlights.
In February Maya turned TWO!! She had a small celebration at home, where she got some clothes and a really cool Olivia book among other things. We also found out that we were leaving Maya's birth state of North Carolina and moving to Georgia. So Maya had to say goodbye to all her friends at the great staff at her school.

This was a big growth time for Maya. Her vocabulary took off, she was adding new words daily, and her walking slowly turned to running and jumping. A few bumps and knee scrapes happened along the way, but she powered through her boo-boos with the help of boo boo bunny.
Maya's first stop in Georgia was with her Grandma and Papa, she took up residence with them for most of the Spring and early summer.
  • Maya made her first visit to the zoo. where she keenly pointed out that the elephants liked to throw poop at each other.

  • She made her first visit to a beach. This is not considered an official visit becuase it was February and very cold on the beach so there was no playing in the water.

It was a pretty busy summer. Maya took in a Braves game, and learned the tomahawk chop. The Braves won. She also went to Centennial Olympic Park and got soaked by the Olympic ring fountain. She also learned about opera and performed a nightly after dinner concert for the family. Her major piece was an a capella version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Maya learned to go to the bathroom all by herself in 2007. She really seemed to grasp the concept pretty quickly. She never used the small training potty, she went right for the bigger version. This was a big time for her because about the same time she gave up her most trusted security item.......the boppy.

The boppy, also known as a binky, pacifier, cork, and plug was Maya's constant companion. She had a green one and a yellow one. The boppies stayed with her until they had just worn out. Maya gave it up on her own when she realized that the boppy just wasnt working anymore and she was getting so big she didnt need it.

That was the first half of 2007, in the second half Maya gets a new room....

Jan 1, 2008

Happy New Year

We promise more Maya updates in '08.