Nov 8, 2007

Clinging to the edge......of my bed

I remember when I was young and I would have a bad dream or if there was a really bad storm outside, I would run to parents bedroom and they would let me sleep in their bed. I thought it was so cool to be snuggled between Mom and Dad. I was all cozy and safe, it was the best thing in the world....

I don't feel that way anymore.

Now we do not let Maya sleep in our bed. She never did when she was a baby, she was always in her crib. I was just way too afraid to sleep with a baby in the bed. But now, on occasion, she has slept in the bed with us. It is usually early in the morning, when she wakes up before we do and comes in our room. Last night though, she was in the bed for a long time and proceeded to takeover the bed.

How a person that small can dominate a queen size bed is beyond me. She was warned not to wiggle and squirm around but that didn't last. She is related to her mother. My lovely wife, she is somewhat of a wild sleeper. I will give her credit, things have drastically toned down from when we first lived together. I have fond memories of waking up in the middle of the night with her arm laying on my head, or turning and meeting her elbow in my face. I threatened to start wearing a helmet to bed for my own safety.

Nothing can compare to being kicked in the back, groin, and stomach by little toddler feet. She would twist up in the sheets, then kick them off. Toss and turn. Kick me in the back. Squirm.

I managed to retreat to my edge of the bed. I'm pretty sure Claire was on the edge of her side of the bed. Maya took over the middle. I woke up once to find Maya laying diagonally across the bed. If you could have taken an overhead photo of us, we would have formed a nice "N".

I awoke this morning, after my foot beating. Bathroom light was on, Maya was on Claire's side of the bed. She was fast asleep, a slight snore. She was peaceful, all was good. Victory. I looked at her, and then went back to sleep.

The joys of life with Maya, the bed conqueror.

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