I have written before about the heart melting factor with Maya. Im sure this is true with all toddlers, certain things they do or say just make your day. You will never forget them, and they will be a part of your memory of her forever, even when she grows up.

Speaking of growing up, Maya is really into the book, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It is a classic story about a boy and a tree, there are lots of moral tales and "meanings" that I have read about the book. The little boy in the book gets grows up and gets older in the book, and eventually is an old man by the end.
One night after reading the book Maya says, "Daddy, when I get grow up I want to get knocked down so I can stay little." I was confused about what she meant by "knocked down" so I asked her. She said that she doesn't want to be a big person, she wants to stay a little girl. Of course, in my head I am thinking, "if there was a way that you could stop growing now and just be the adorably cute and wonderful, innocent person you are that would be great!"
Im sure that I am not the first parent to wish that their kids could just not grow up. It is just an amazing thing when you watch them develop and see how innocent they are, and how you dont want that to be "spoiled". It has been a fascinating three years watching her from a baby grow into this little independent person. She is very honest too, that is a good thing.
She also told me that night that when she does grow up, she wants to be a mermaid, like Ariel.

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