Jan 25, 2008

Two Princesses

When you find out that you are going to become parents, you always wonder what the baby will look like, who she will act like, etc... I was always hoping that Maya would turn out looking like her mother, obviously because I like the way her mother looks so why not.
Well not only did she turn out to look like her mother, she is basically a carbon copy of her. Claire commented on this while we were watching one of Maya's school programs. She said it was like looking at herself up on the stage. There is no doubt they are related. They are both very girly. Maya loves to play dress up, and be a princess. Her mom has princess pants. She has been walking around in her mother's shoes for some time now, she loves sparkly things and putting on "girl perfume". I have been informed by Maya that my "boy perfume" doesn't smell as good.
Maya couldn't have a better role model though. Her teachers at her school say Maya is very sweet and always likes to help out with the other kids. So she is going to be a caring, loving person who always likes to help people, and make others happy.

Just like her Mom.

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