Oct 29, 2007

So Many Memories

There are so many things that Maya has done already that I will remember forever. Plenty of firsts.... . But also just other "awww" factor things that she has done that I will never forget, and all the times she has made me laugh. -

When she was born and the doctor gave her to my wife. Her first cries I remember. Her bottom lip would stick out in this pouty look on her face.

The first time she squeezed my hand.

It was just me and her at home, and I was holding her, she was just a few months old, and she was just staring at my face. Just checking all the features of my face out, and it was like I could see her little brain just processing all the information.

The first time I made her laugh.

After a nice warm bottle of tasty formula, Im rocking Maya and watching tv. About twenty minutes after she polished off the bottle she looks at me and throws up all over me. It was projectile too, like a stream of formula coming at me. I jump up and Im holding her at arms length, and round two of vomit comes out. Ahhh, yeah.

Watching my Dad play with her.

I picked her up from daycare one day and she was sitting on the far end of the room behind the teacher. She saw me in the doorway, smiled and started bouncing on her bottom. She crawled over the teacher and all the way across the room to me. When she got up to me she looked up and stuck out her hand. Makes the heart melt.
more to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.