Oct 5, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday 2005

Sunday, February 6, 2005. The Super Bowl! The biggest event in the sports year. Everything about it is huge. The game, the spectacle, the halftime show, the commercials, it doesn't get any bigger than this. So, how appropriate that this would be the time when Maya decided she had been cooped up in her mommy long enough and was ready to join the world.

Maya's due date: February 7, 2005

The game was between the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles. It had the makings for a good game. The Patriots were looking to win back to back titles and their third in four years; the Eagles, with Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens, were looking to finally bring a football title to Philly. I really had no rooting interest in the game, but I was looking forward to at least watching the game.

Claire says her back is feeling funny

It was always in the back of my mind about her being born on the Super Bowl. I actually thought it would be kind of neat. I declined an invitation to a Super Bowl party, because I had a feeling she would arrive that day. Claire looked like she was about to pop at any second, so we took it easy that day, went to church, went for a walk, stuff like that.

What we think are contractions, start that afternoon. Or it could be just gas, who knew?

Game starts. I'm watching the game and keeping an eye on Claire at the same time. She is pacing around, asking me how long it has been since the last time she asked me how long has it been. Maya's getting ready, and she is letting her Mommy know, more and more.

Call the doctor, explain the situation, doc says if you feel the same way in an hour head to the hospital.

One hour, we have a good little drive to the hospital, so we decide to leave at halftime. We get to the hospital, get all checked in to the room. Claire gets all set up in the bed and hooked up to all the monitors and stuff. I get in the uncomfortable "dad" chair/bed next to Claire and the nurse comes in. She checks Claire out turns to me and says "You probably want to watch this...". I'm thinking, What? Is it time for the baby?? Where should I stand, where is the doctor......

She picks up the remote and turns the TV on.

"It might be a while." she says. Now the game is back on, although I really didn't watch. I would occasionally glance at the game but that was it. I was excited about meeting Maya.

This guy comes in with a cart, on the cart is a case, in the case is a very long needle. He proceeds to have my wife lay on her side facing me, she holds my hand, and he sticks the long needle in her back. The epidural shot. It looked extremely painful to me, but to wife it was the best thing when it came time to push.

I think the game is over.

Some commotion starts in the room. Doctor comes in then leaves. Nurse comes in, now is the big moment. The nurse tells me where I should stand. Doctor comes back in, here we go. It didn't seem to take long at all. But I didn't really do anything. The real work was all done by my wife, I held her hand and her leg and talked to her offering support. I was more like a cheerleader on the sidelines (without the pom-poms).
She was the main player, and she did an amazing job too.
At about 1am Monday morning, Maya arrived.

Seven pounds, two ounces. Our adventure begins.

We were the big winners that day....
not th Patriots.

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